How to view in 3D


Stereophotographs can be encountered in a variety of physical (usually side by side dual images) or digital formats, each of which requires different approaches to viewing. Specialized electronic viewing equipment, such as virtual reality headsets, shutter glasses, and glasses-free 3D monitors are not yet widely available. Below are some of the most common viewing methods for specific formats.

Parallel Side by Side



SBS Wiggle ANA


This needs a prismatic lorgnette or computer screen lens viewer. Viewers are available through many online vendors. Be sure to get ones for prints up to 4" wide or they will be too small. Try and search for "lorgnette" Give it a try!
No special equipment required when viewed on a computer or website. Dynamic GIF files cycle multiple images in the same frame to create a sense of depth. AnaNeeds colored glasses with a red left lens and cyan right lens. These are like the old 3d glasses given out at the movies, and are available in paper or plastic frames.
Viewers are available through many online vendors. Try and search for "red/cyan glasses" Give it a try!